nicolas-tarkhoff tentes plage sea beach, Meer, Strand, Zelt, Тархов, море, пляж, палатка
Tarkhoff_country_paysage_sun_soleil_Sonne_Landschaft_Тархов ВС пейзаж_пейзаж_
Tarkhoff_country_Nickerchen Junge_Тархов_boy_sieste_chat_cat_garden_jardin_кошачий сад сон мальчик
Nicolas Tarkhoff_country_trees, arbres, horse, paysage, Тархов, деревья, пейзаж
Nicolas Tarkhoff, maternité, maternity, baby, Тархов, материнство, ребенок
Nicolas Tarkhoff_fruit_flower_fleurs, Тархов, compotier, фрукты, цветы

Nicolas Tarkhoff : his exhibitions

Nicolas Tarkhoff : ses expositions
Fleurs mêlées. Exhibition Ambroise Vollard Gallery, May 1906. 38 x 45.5 cm (Private Coll.) – Exhibition catalog Galerie Druet, 14-26 June 1909.

Moscow - Russia

Group exhibitions (Москва)

1897: 17th Exhibition of the Moscow Society of Friends of Fine Arts.
Winter 1898-1899: 18th Exhibition of the Moscow Society of Friends of Fine Arts.
1902: Exhibition of the "36" group (russian artists).
December 1903 - January 1904: Union of Russian Artists 1st exhibition (Союз русских художников), Stroganov school.
February - March 1905: Union of Russian Artists 2nd exhibition (Союз русских художников), 
the "Anchor” Insurance Company offices.
February - March 1907: Union of Russian Artists 4th exhibition (Союз русских художников), Stroganov school.
December 1907 - February 1908: Union of Russian Painters 5th exhibition (Союз русских художников), Stroganov school.
December 1908 - February 1909: Union of Russian Painters 6th exhibition (Союз русских художников),
former Prince Golitsyne's house.
11 January - 15 February 1909: 2nd Salon of the Golden Fleece (Золотое руно).
December 1909 - February 1910: Union of Russian Artists 7th exhibition (Союз русских художников), 
Literary and Artistic Circle.
27 December 1909 - 31 January 1910: 3rd Salon of the Golden Fleece (Золотое руно).
1909 - 1910: Salon of the International exhibition.
November - December 1911: Exhibition of The World of Art (Мир искусства), School of painting, sculpture and architecture.
November - December 1912: Exhibition of The World of Art (Мир искусства), School of painting, sculpture and architecture.
December 1913 - January 1914: Exhibition of The World of Art (Мир искусства), Literary and Artistic Circle.
1955: Landscapes of Russia (19th-20th century). Central House of Workers. Collective exhibition organized by N. Viasov.
2000: Russian Impressionism (paintings from the collection of the Tretyakov State Gallery). 
March - June 2003: "Masters of the Union of Russian Artists. For the centenary of its creation”,
Pushkin National Museum of Fine Arts - Museum of Private Collections.
2010: Les Russes de Paris (Russians in Paris), Kournikova Gallery, 21 March - 20 May 2010.

Personal exhibition - retrospective of his work.

1983: retrospective exhibition at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow.
In collaboration with the Petit-Palais Museum, Geneva.
Ретроспективная выставка, Музей изобразительных искусств имени А. С. Пушкина, Москва.
В сотрудничестве с Женевским музеем Пети-Пале.
2003: Tretyakov State Gallery Museum (Третьяковская Галерея), Moscow. 145 paintings, 11 watercolours and drawings.
25 June - 20 August 2006: Nikolas Tarkhoff. Graphics. 1900-1930. Kournikova "Our artists" Gallery. 
(25 июня - 20 августа 2006: Николай Тархов. Графика. 1900-1930. галерея «Наши художники»). 
19 february - 26 april 2015: Kournikova "Our artists" Galery (Курникова Галерея), Moscow. Exhibition of 41 paintings.

Saint-Petersburg - Russia

Collective exhibition

December 1904 - January 1905: Union of Russian Painters 2nd exhibition. (Союз русских художников), Acadamy of Arts.
February - March 1908: Union of Russian Painters 5th exhibition. (Союз русских художников), Moïka Quay (house where Pushkin lived and died).
February - April 1909: Union of Russian Painters 6th exhibition. (Союз русских художников),​ Moïka Quay (house where Pushkin lived and died).
21 October 1910: Salon de Sergei Makovsky.
January 1912: Exhibition of The World of Art (Мир искусства), House of Lidval (Swedish church).
January 1913: Exhibition of The World of Art (Мир искусства), House of Lidval (Swedish church).


Personal exhibition (Санкт-Петербург)

1910: 7th exhibition of Apollon (Аполлон) Review. 
93 paintings.


Collective exhibition.

1910: Salon Izdebski. 776 works from Bonnard, Braque, Jawlensky, Kandinsky, Larionov, Matisse, Marquet, Metzinger, Redon, Rouault, Signac, Tarkhoff, Van Dongen, Vlaminck, Vuillard...
April - May 1910: Union of Russian Painters 7th exhibition (Союз русских художников), City Museum.

Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg) - Russia

Collective exhibitions (Ленингра́дская)

1981 - 1982: State Museum. Exhibition of Russian landscapes.  


Exhibition of Russian Impressionists works "Movement to the light“

29 September - 18 November. National Art Museum of Nizhny Novgorod. About 80 works from the late 19th century and early 20th century. They come from the Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum and five other Russian museums.

The exhibition includes works by Konstantin Korovin, Igor Grabar, Sergey Vinogradov, Stanislav Zhukovsky, Leonard Turzhansky, Konstantin Yuon, and the greatest masters of national art who have turned to Impressionism at certain stage of their work: Ilya Repin, Valentin Serov, Boris Krishna and others.

The exhibition compares the French impressionists (Renoir, Paul Signac or Camille Pissarro) and the Russian ones (Serov, Tarkhov or Repin). The works are accompanied by quotes from artists.

Выставка произведений русских импрессионистов «Движение к свету».
29 сентября - 18 ноября. в Нижегородском художественном музее — выставка произведений русских импрессионистов «Движение к свету». На выставке представлено около 80 работ конца XIX-начала XX века из собраний Третьяковской галереи, Русского музея и еще пяти российских музеев.
Нижегородцы увидят произведения Константина Коровина, Игоря Грабаря, Сергея Виноградова, Станислава Жуковского, Леонарда Туржанского, Константина Юона, а также крупнейших мастеров отечественного искусства, обращавшихся к импрессионизму на определенном этапе своего творчества — Ильи Репина, Валентина Серова, Бориса Кустодиева, Виктора Борисова-Мусатова, Мария Башкирцева, Константин Горбатов, Михаил Демьянов, Николай Мещерин, Николай Тархов, Михаил Шемякин и др. 
Кроме основных залов, заполненных работами выдающихся художников, выставка охватывает длинный коридор между ними. Администрация музея сделал интересный ход и сопоставила французских и русских импрессионистов.  На лайтбоксах представлена параллель в искусстве двух эпох. Ренуар, Поль Синьяк, Камиль Писсаро против Серова, Тархова и Репина. Картины сопровождаются цитатами художников.

Paris - France

Salon des Indépendants

1901 - 1903, 1905 - 1912, 1914, 1920, 1921, 1926.

Salon de la Société des Beaux-Arts (Salon of the National Society of Fine Arts)

1903, 1908, 1909.

Salon d’Automne

exhibition of Russian Art.
1907 (Sociétaire member of the Salon d’Automne in 1907), 1908-1913, 1919-1921, 1923-1929,
1930: Retrospective of his works (25 paintings).

Vollard Gallery

6 rue Laffitte.
2 - 16 May 1906: N. Tarkhoff (Member of the Russian Artists Union in Paris). 72 paintings.

Druet Gallery (Paris)

20 rue Royale.
14 - 26 June 1909: personal exhibition. 67 paintings, 31 drawings. 
23 December 1912 - 4 jJanuary 1913: collective exhibition.
May 1920: watercolors and drawings (Flowers, landscapes, roosters).

Berheim Jeune Galery.

Les Artistes russes. Décors et costumes de théâtre et tableaux.
Exhibition from June 20th to July 9th 1910.
15 rue Richepanse, Paris.
3 paintings : Maternité, Printemps à Paris (soleil), Printemps à Paris (jour gris).

Exhibitors: L. Bakst, J. Bilibine, C. Bogaïevski, M. Doboujinski, A. Golovine, A. Hausch, C. Juone, B. Koustodiev, N. Kymov, G. Loukomski, K. Petrov-Vodkine, M. Rœrich, S. Soudeïkine, D. Stelletski, N. Tarkhoff, N. Tschourlianis.


1913: Exhibition of paintings destined for the Antananarivo Museum (Island of Madagascar).
Maternité, 1909. Gift of the artist for the museum founded the same year in the former palace of the queen.

Berthe Weill Gallery (Paris)

25, rue Victor-Massé.
Collective exhibitions:
12 January - 10 fFebruary 1906,
30 April - 19 May 1907,
27 April - 30 May 1908,
March 1909,
April 1910.

Devambez Gallery (Paris)

43, boulevard Malesherbes. 
June 3-17 1912: Exposition of the Paris Russian Painters and Sculptors
(Altmann, Aronson, Fraermann, Pann, Schulman, Tarkhoff, Troubetzkoy, Widhopff).

Galerie Nunès and Fiquet

90, avenue Malakhoff. 
February 1917: Fleurs et fruits. Collective exhibition
(Camoin, Carrière, Friez, Guillaumin, Lebasque, Manet, Peské, Redon, Renoir, Signac, Tarkhoff, Valloton, Van Gogh...

Russian artists exhibition in Paris.

1921: Galerie La Boétie, Paris. 
Exhibition organised by exhibitors and members of the Mir Isskousstva Society ( Мир искусства )
under the chairmanship of Prince A. Schervachidze.
3 paintings: Les poires, Fruits de mon jardin, La neige dans la vallée.

Les Amis de Montparnasse.

January 1925 : 4th exhibition of Les Amis de Montparnasse, "Mrs Juliette's Petit Café", Paris. 
Rodéric O'Connor, Foujita, Nicolas Tarkhoff, Ortiz de Zarate...
(bibliography : Cahiers de l'Aquadémie N° III, janvier 1925).

Galerie de l'Hirondelle.

23-24, Jardin du Palais-Royal, Paris.
January-February 1929: exhibition of works executed twenty years earlier.
Parisian scenes.

World Exhibition, 1937.

25 May-25 November 1937. Champ de Mars-Trocadero, Paris.
International Exhibition of Arts and Technology in Modern Life.
1 painting: Snow landscape in Orsay.

Musée Jacquemart-André

15 October 2002 - 15 June 2003 : De Caillebotte à Picasso. Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris. Exhibition of masterpieces from the Oscar Ghez collection (Petit-Palais Museum, Geneva).
Angrand, Bazille, Caillebotte, Cross, Denis, Dubois-Pillet, Fantin-Latour, Gleizes, Hayet, Lemmen, Lhote, Loiseau, Luce, Manet, Maufra, Moret, Picasso, Renoir, Tarkhoff, Van Dongen, Van Rysselberghe...

Musée de Montmartre,

20 June - 21 September 2003: Russes (Russians), Collective exhibition. 
3 paintings: Le manège, 1900. Autoportrait, ca 1910. Maternité.

Musée du Montparnasse

21 July - 31 October 2010: Les Artistes russes hors frontière (Russian artists outside frontier). Collective exhibition (109 artists).
1 painting: Paysage d'Orsay sous la neige.

Toulouse - France

Group exhibition.

March 1906: 22th Exhibition of the Union artistique de Toulouse (Artistic Union of Toulouse). Le Capitole. 
Three paintings: La grue (Seine), Les sapins, Les roses.

Mars 1907:  23rd Exhibition of the Union artistique de Toulouse (Artistic Union of Toulouse). Le Capitole. 
Three paintings: La Seine au brouillard, Boulevard un jour de neige, Chimère.

Mars 1908: 24th Exhibition of the Union artistique de Toulouse (Artistic Union of Toulouse). Le Capitole. 
Two paintings: Nature morte, Moutons à l'étable.


Group exhibition

1907 : Union internationale des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres.
Musée du peuple. Angers, Centre d'Art.
Six paints : Impression de la plage (1 et 2), Pot de fleurs, travail sur l'eau, La plaine à Chevreuse, Toits sous la neige.

DINARD - France

Retrospective of his works (Dinard)

1938 : Galerie, 5 boulevard Féart.
23 paintings, 2 drawings. Catalogue prefaced by Alexandre Mercereau : "Un grand peintre..." ("A great painter...").


Retrospective of his work (Musée Bargoin)

1986: Musée Bargoin. 45 Rue Ballainvillier. 
Paintings from the Petit Palais Museum Collection (Genova, Swiss).


The Seine River and its Painters.

October 2-December 15, 1991 : Orangery of the Palace of Sceaux (Haut-de-Seine).
Group exhibition: Caillebotte, Daubigny, Guillaumin, Lebour, Luce, Manzana-Pissarro, Monet, Renoir, Signac, Tarkhoff...
3 paintings from the Petit-Palais Museum in Geneva: The bridge over the Seine and barges, The Seine and Notre Dame at night, Bridge over the Seine and barges.


Exposition collective

October-november 1911 : Salon de la Société des artistes girondins. Galerie du Jardin-Public.
October-november 1913 : Salon de la Société des artistes girondins. Galerie du Jardin-Public.
November 7, 2003 - February 1, 2004. Exhibition "Russian Paris"
in partnership with the Russian National Museum of St. Petersburg.
Museum of Fine Arts. Gallery of the Museum of Fine Arts, Place Colonel Raynal.
Three paintings: Avenue du Maine (c.1910), Bridge Behind the Trees (1902) and Crowd Movement (Mi-Carême, 1901).

Quimper - France

Russian Painters in Bretagne,

17 June - 1 October 2006. Musée départemental breton. Collective exhibition.
2 paintings: Coucher de soleil à Doëlan, 1899. Crépuscule sur la mer à Doëlan, 1900. 

Orsay - France

Retrospective of his Work

Summer 1934 :
Retrospective exhibition. House of the artiste, Buisson Picard.
« On avait espéré un moment une réunion d'un artiste russe des plus personnels, Nicolas Tarkhoff, décédé en 1930. La veuve, dans ce but, avait exposé chez elle, l'été dernier, un ensemble de toiles mérite, surtout celles de la première période. On voyait notamment des études de ciels parisiens d'une fulgurante intensité. »
Charles Saunier, Revue bleue politique et littéraire, January 1 to décembre 31, 1934.

9 - 27 September 2014:
Nicolas tarkhoff, sa vie et son œuvre,
Hôtel de ville d'Orsay, (commune where he died in June 1930).
Retrospective exhibition and conferences. 


Nicolas Tarkhoff. Impressions of a Russian painter from Paris to Orsay.

From February 19 to December 7, 2020. Hôtel-Dieu Museum, Mantes-la-Jolie.
Retrospective exhibition.
The exhibition explores in a monographic way the two main chronological phases of his career: Paris and Orsay.
Around sixty works are presented - including several original masterpieces - from private collections, the Centre National d’Arts Plastiques, the Petit-Palais in Geneva and the Swimming pool-Museum of Arts and Industry André Diligent de Roubaix.

Brussels - Belgium

Collective exhibitions.

21 fevrier - 23 march 1905 :
12th Free Aesthetic exhibition Salon.
Emile Nolde, Roderic O' Conor, Nicolas Tarkhoff, Jan Toorop, Anna Boch, Emile Claus,
James Ensor, Alfred Hazledine, A.-J. Heymans, Georges Lemmen, Jenny Montigny, etc.


23 April - 1 November 1910.
Universal and international exhibition of Brussels.

Ministry of Science and Arts. Group II: Modern Works of Art.
In the catalog of the exhibition, Nicolas Tarkhoff is mistakenly spelled Varkhoff,
with address in Paris "Place du Maur" instead of Place du Maine.
Room 88, he exhibits two works: Goat and Still Life.



22 April - 31 October 1907: 
7e Esposizione internazionale d'Arte
della Città di Venezia.
Four paintings: FruitsNature morte, Citrouilles, Retour de marché.


1911: Esposizione internazionale d'Arte, with members of the World of Art (Mir Iskusstva).


7 July - 10 October 1989: Da Van Gogh a Schiele. L'Europa espressionista 1880-1918. Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Palazzo Forti. Collective exhibition.
Enfants et chat à la fenêtre, 1910. Carrousel la nuit. Oil on canvas (Oscar Ghez Collection).


Collective exhibition.

1906 : Berlin. Galerie Eduard Schulte Galery. Russische Kunstausstellung.
November 1911 : Frankfurt am Main. Shames Gallery.
May 1912 : Cologne. Kölnisher Kunstverein. Cologne Art Association. 
Jansen, Modersohn, Hestair, Tarkhoff, Melzer, Lichtenberg.
April-May 1913 : Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurter Kunstverein (Frankfurt Arts Association).

Personal exhibition.

1910 : Frankfurt am Main (Frankfort-on-Main). Shames Galery. 



11 february - 26 march 1995: Tarkhoff (1871-1930). Kunsthaus Bühler. Wagenburgstraße 4.
Personal exhibition. 24 paintings.


1st march - 5 april 1997: Tarkhoff: Wegbereiter des Fauvismus. Galerie am Gendarmenmarkt, Berlin.
In cooperation with the Petit-Palais Museum of Geneva. Personal exhibition: 35 paintings, watercolors and drawings.


22 August - 24 Oktober 1999. Nicolas Tarkhoff. Impressionen eines russischen Malers in Paris
(Impressions of a Russian Painter in Paris).

Retrospective exhibition. Kunst-Museum Ahlen, Museumsplatz 1 / Weststraße 98, 59227 Ahlen

LONDON - England

Russian Arts and Crafts

17 Janvuary - 26 February 1921: Whitechapel Art Gallery. Collective exhibition.
5 paintings: At Home, Snow Landscape, Poppies, Chickens, Landscape, Cock.

New-York - USA

Collective exhibition (Armory Show)

1913: Armory Show : 17 February -15 March. La lampe, huile sur toile.
The exhibition travels the same year in CHICAGO (24 March-16 April) and in BOSTON (28 April-19 May).

Retrospective of his work (Berry Hills G.)

13 December 1989 - 27 January 1990: Berry Hills Gallery, 11 east 70th Street.

Nicolas Tarkhoff, a selection of paintings

2 - 27 June 1992: Salender-O'Reilly Galleries, 20 East 79th Street. A selection of paintings (1901 - 1930).

San Francisco - USA

Nicolas Tarkhoff. A retrospective Exhibition.

September-november 1989. 
Harcourts, Modern and Contemporary Art.
460 Bush Street, San Francisco, California.


International Exhibition of Modern Art.

International Exhibition of Modern Art.
Electoral Palace, Geneva, from 26 December 1920 to 25 January 1921:

Germany, England, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Egypt, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Holland, Hungary, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, USA, Yugoslavia.

Artists (painters and sculptors): Balla, Braque, Bourdelle, De Angelis, Derain, Duchamp-Villon, Dufresne, Dufy, Ernst, Foujita Groscharova, Jawlenski, Klee, Kikoine, Marquet, Matisse, Mets, Modigliani, Pissarro, Renoir, Rivera, Survage, Tarkhoff, etc.

Permanent Exhibition

1980 - 2000: Petit-Palais Museum. 2 Terrasse de Saint-Victor. Exposition permanente. (The Museum closed its doors in 2000).


Tarkhoff. Retrospective of his work.

1980 : Bilbao. MUN Galeria de Arte. 
Madrid. MUN Galería de Arte. 

Exhbition organised in collaboration with the Petit-Palais Museum of Geneva. 


Tarkhoff. Retrospective Exhibition.

June 1988: Banco Bilboa Vizcaya.
Exhbition organised by the Bilboa Vizcaya Bank
in collaboration with the Petit-Palais Museum of Geneva.



26 March - 5 May 1991: Tarkhoff and his time. Museum of Art.


23 May -  3 June 1991: Tarkhoff and his time. Daimaru Museum.


6 - 18 June 1991: Tarkhoff and his time. Daimaru Shinsaibashi.


22 June - 28 July 1991: Tarkhoff and his time. Museum of Modern Art.

Quebec - Canada

Masterpieces of the Oscar Ghez Collection.

12 october 2006 - 7 january 2007: From Caillebotte to Picasso, Masterpieces of the Oscar Ghez Collection.
Musée national des Beaux-Arts du Québec, Parc des Champs-de-Bataille.

Le Comité Nicolas Tarkhoff,
invite les possesseurs d’œuvres 
du peintre – ou de tout document le concernant – à se faire connaître, afin d’inclure ces œuvres dans 
le Catalogue raisonné qu’il prépare.


Комитет им. Николая Александровича Тархова
просит владетелей картинами Тархова
– или каким-либо его касающим документом –
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чтобы их включить в каталог-резоне. который мы готовим.
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December 18, 2024. Thierry de Maigret sale, Drouot.
Opening of the Nicolas Tarkhoff Exhibition at the Château du val Fleury in gif-sur-Yvette 25/01_2024.
Nicolas TARKHOFF exhibition: Château du val Fleury, Gif-sur-Yvette : January 25 to April 7, 2024